CBS 2: Parents Demand Action After 5 Guns Confiscated At NYC Schools In 2 Days

by Jony

By Marcia Kramer

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Terrified parents are demanding action after five handguns – two loaded – were confiscated by school safety agents in the past two days.

As CBS2’s Marcia Kramer reports, it’s a call to arms to get rid of the arms: Pistols and revolvers that are showing up in the backpacks and back pockets of students all too frequently.

Parents say the combined shortage of safety agents and scanning equipment is endangering the lives of their kids.

“This situation is so urgent,” said Mona Davids of the New York City School Safety Coalition.

Davids is just one of a number of angry parents and activists outside the Mott Haven school complex in the Bronx where a 15-year-old student was found with a fully loaded .22 caliber pistol as the result of a random screening.

“It was a simply a miracle that it happened on that day, because this school does not have screening. This school does not have metal detectors,” said Davids.

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